ReviewNudgeBot has no access to code!
See 6 minutes demo about how ReviewNudgeBot decreases code review time by 60%
Easy webhook integration, automatic user mapping, and configuration for your team needs
The bot reminds authors when a build fails or changes are requested, and notifies reviewers when a PR needs attention or new changes are made
Bot automatically assign a reviewer or escalate slow moving PR to manager or team lead
Thread message and emoji are posted for each PR event - approve/reject/request changes/merge/decline
Emojis provide high-level overview of team’s PRs state
Author is reminded if PR is rejected or build is failed
Message and emoji are posted when:
Bot posts message for:
Auto-assign reviewers spread the load so one team member isn't doing all the reviews, preventing bottlenecks when they’re on vacation and encouraging everyone to get involved in code reviews.
Escalation reminders prevent stale reviews by notifying your team leads or PMs when a PR is delayed, mimicking the real-life action of reaching out to a PM without the nervousness and potential strain on team relations.
Flagged review reminders help keep important PRs on everyone's radar, automating the manual process of nudging team members to ensure critical reviews get the attention they need promptly.
add bot to Slack channel your team uses for code reviews
Copy webhook details from invite message and add new GitHub webhook in your repository
ReviewNudgeBot will only post messages about pull requests authored by team members from the channel.
All PR notifications are grouped in the thread under main message
Write to for details
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